About the Download Installing AIM overwrites any AIM Triton software that you might have on your machine.We'll start your AIM® Page off with some vanity info, and you fill in the rest. AIM Pages brings profiles to a whole new life.
Innovative Wallpapers These wallpapers are interactive - they work with AIM and have lots of hidden surprises waiting for you to discover. Keep on talking with your friends, even if your fingers are tired of typing. PC to PC Chat AIM integrates seamlessly with AIM® Phoneline. Be together whenever, with our free all-in-one communication app, complete with unlimited text, voice, video calling and group video chat features. AIM makes it easy to stay in touch with up to 1,000 of your closest friends. Bigger Buddy List We've doubled the number of buddies you can have on your Buddy List® window. The new drag-and-drop interface makes it a snap. Picture Sharing Share your pictures with your buddies with AIM. Now you'll never have to worry about remembering what one of your friends said to you. IM Logging AIM lets you save your IM conversations on your computer. AIM makes managing your social life even easier. IM Grouping Keep all of your IMs organized in one easy window. AIM lets you retrieve the messages you missed while you were offline. Offline IMs Don't miss out on your IMs just because you're busy. Plus, we streamlined the software to make sure it's fast enough to keep up with you. We listened to your requests and added lots of new features. AIM is (was!) the next generation of instant messaging software.
Learn more.As of December 2017, AIM has been discontinued. To date, Macintosh Repository served 2362497 old Mac files, totaling more than 478814GB Downloads last 24h 1470 : 260693.3MB Last 5000 friend visitors from. It may also be updated in batches so it may not currently reflect the current state of things.Ĭalled AIM "Sysop" for historical reasons. NOTICE This list is subject to constant change as the drive to alpha approaches. Here is the support legend for the current state of features. Various clients have special URLs/URIs to control the application from other programs, typically web pages, these are called AIM URLs or AIM links.įor potential errors you may encounter, see our errors page. If you know of any others, please email Please include the version number if you can, most of the time it must be installed first and the version number is available either at the bottom of the sign on window or in Help -> About AIM on the buddy list. This is a near-complete list of safe-to-download clients.